Wall Decoration Pictures

wall pictures, murals, remodeling and decorating ideas

Cloud Set Wall sticker


Cloud Set Wall sticker

“Clouds come floating into my life, no longer to carry rain or usher storm, but to add colour to my sunset sky”. Clouds come in many shapes and sizes, but Cloud Set Wall sticker are the nicest kind – fluffy and soft, like cotton balls. They float by and give us an instant feeling of cosiness. Kids love these soft and comfortable looking creatures of nature and imagine that they taste like candy floss.

The Cloud Set Wall Stickers are the perfect decoration for a nursery or children’s room. They would look great above a changing table or the crib, where they watch over your little one and send him or her off to sleep in no time. You could also combine them with other wall stickers, like butterflies, birds or flowers. They would look as great in the hallway or living room, where they can add some colour and snugness.

So, what do you think ?