Tea conjures feelings of warmth and relaxation. Heirloom teacups and saucers radiate a welcome ambience in kitchen. Chocolate- and pink-color ribbons are strung vertically down the wall for added beauty. Source: bhg
Posts Categorized / Kitchen
Rustic Kitchen wall art
Antique cutting boards and bread trays add a rustic touch to the kitchen. This approach works beautifully in cottage-style or farmhouse kitchens. Source: bhg
Tablecloth wall art
In this comfy dining room, tablecloths stand in for wall art. Simply stretch and frame sections of tablecloth in frames painted fun, bright colors. Leave the glass off one frame and hot-glue a starfish to the center. This is great rehab for stained cloths destined for the trash. Source: meredith
Hanky Wall Art
It’s hard to beat the funky retro patterns found in old handkerchiefs. Put them to good use on your walls. We used mat board and cut-to-size glass (your local hardware store can cut glass for you), then displayed them in groupings of like colors. Source: meredith
Pretty Floral Wall Art
You’d be surprised how beautiful close-up photos of flowers can be–even the snapshots you take with your own digital camera. Take your favorite flower images, have them enlarged to enhance the details, and get them printed on canvas, rather than photo paper. Source: meredith
Frame wall decoration
Most people pass right by photo frames that have lost their glass. Simply give them a fresh coat of paint (clean white always looks fab and fresh), then display a beautiful object inside like a plate. Source: bhg
Digital Print wall art
Digital Print wall art like this bird chevron are readily available through online stires. You can print them on any hard paper to decorate a wall. Source: etsy
Vinyl Wall Art Decal
Vinyl Wall Art is a wall decal of a lovely motif that can fit into any room. It can be displayed as shown or in a row over a window or above a sofa. Source: etsy
Simple Kitchen wall decoration
Flower and Vegetable photographs captures the vibrant colors and delectable vegetables of a Spring garden in full bloom. These four photographs are sure to enliven your kitchen wall or dining room. You can almost taste the broccoli and smell the fragrant flowers. Source: etsy