Wall Decoration Pictures

wall pictures, murals, remodeling and decorating ideas

Posts Categorized / Kitchen

Cutlery wall decoration for kitchen

Cutlery walll decoration for kitchen is appropraite with the ambiance. Usually kitchen walls have not that much space. So, you can use a small artistic wall hanging like this. Choose wall art according to theme & color scheme of kicthen. Source: emmamcgrene


Crockery wall decoration

Painted pieces of crockery are ideal for wall decoration of kitchen or dining rooms. Crockery wall decoration will give the place a foody feel. Match the pieces on the wall with the them of kitchen or dining room. Source: emmamcgrene


Cool Kitchen Wall decoration

Need to have a msart looking, uncluttered kitchen wall? Try this cool kitchen wall decoration with paint or stickers. you can use stencils too. Few upside wine glasses & a kettle transforms this simple kitchen into a cool place. Source: emmamcgrene


Kitchen shelf wall decoration

Who said kitchen shelves are boring, outdated & not a piece of decoration? Look at this stunning kitchen shelf wall decoration. Idea is to create an eye candy out os simple shelf by using bright textures in background of shelf. Source: krissallendaily


Kitchen wall decoration

Kitchen is almost neglected when it comes to wall decoration. If you have space in your kitchen you should try to decorate it. Kitchen wall decoration with modern & sleek shelves with matching or contrasting colors will dramatically enhance the look. Look at these shelves for inspiration. Source: bhg


Professional Baker – Kitchen Splashback

This super cute Professional Baker Kitchen Splash back will put a smile on your face whenever you are in your kitchen! The lovely baby in a bakers outfit with its face full of flour is just adorable. All the other items on the picture have been selected and displayed in the perfect lighting. The broken […]


Olive Oil – Kitchen Splashback

Olive oil is such a versatile item! People from all around the globe use it as an ingredient in cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, soaps and also to power traditional oil lamps. So although it can be used for many things, it is most commonly used in cooking. Wether you fry your meat in it, pour it over […]


Italian Stone Wall – Kitchen Splashback

Stonewalls used to be associated with old or abandoned buildings. They felt cold and unwelcoming. But the attitude towards stonewalls has changed a lot recently! Many buildings – even new ones – are build with exposed stonewalls and brick walls. They are cool, fashionable and stylish! Italian Stone Wall – Kitchen Splashback is an easy […]


Colourful Spoons – Panorama – Kitchen Splashback

Spoons can be found in any kitchen all around the globe. They are a vital kitchen utensil for many dishes and are very helpful when cooking. Many measurements are given in tea spoon and table spoon units, so we all need them in our kitchen! The antecessors of the spoon go way back to the […]
