Wall Decoration Pictures

wall pictures, murals, remodeling and decorating ideas

Posts Tagged / Wall Hanging

Rotating Gallery wall decoration

Display vintage finds in a unique way by making a rotating gallery wall decoration. By hanging vintage pictures, along a folding screen, you can change the display without adding holes to the walls. A folding screen also is a smart way to divide a room or conceal storage. Source: bhg


Simple wall decoration

  Sometimes simplicity is the best policy to decorate a room. Just a vibrant shade of a bright color can do wonders with dull colored furniture & paint. Simple wall decoration with few wall hangings in a straight line is not a bad idea. Less is more. Source: zimbio


Stylish crockery wall decoration

Black and white colors are always in fashion and look classy. Such a nice kitchen with these two colors. Use stylish crockery pieces for wall decoration in kitchen or dining area. Such a beautiful place your kitchen will be with a little effort. Source: emmamcgrene  


Texture and wall hanging decoration

Kids room wall decoration needs some intreswting & useful stuff on shelves. For a bit older kids you can try using textured paint with wall hangings & shleves as wall decoration. Afterall kids are growing up to be teens soon. Source: olx


Black and white wall decoration

If you had a bright or somewhat neon colored wall in living room, it is an appropriate decision to choose black and white wall decoration. To give the bright color a down tone black and white colored wall hangings help a lot. Black and white never fades out of fashion. Source: emmamcgrene


Perfect wall hanging decoration for kitchen

Perfect wall hangings to decorate kitchen walls are definitely those related to food. Like these miniature fruit and vegetables pasted on a glass mat. Wall decoration with such beautiful things will make your kitchen a special place. Source: emmamcgrene


Living room sound proof wall decoration

Sound proof panels for wall decoration are widely available in various trendy designs. Modern living room interiors can use these stylish sound absorbing wall panels for decoration. After all noise pollution is bad for you J Source: emmamcgrene


Cutlery wall decoration for kitchen

Cutlery walll decoration for kitchen is appropraite with the ambiance. Usually kitchen walls have not that much space. So, you can use a small artistic wall hanging like this. Choose wall art according to theme & color scheme of kicthen. Source: emmamcgrene


DIY Mirror Wall Decoration with Tiles

Own a designer mirror wall decoration piece  by designing it yourself at home. Decorate the edges of a plain mirror with textured or painted tiles like this one & Voila! Your own exclusive wall art is ready to grace the walls of living room. Source: dullesglassandmirror
