Wall Decoration Pictures

wall pictures, murals, remodeling and decorating ideas

Posts Tagged / Painting

Pooh bear wall decoration for kids room

Winnie-the-pooh or Pooh bear is kid’s favorite cartoon of all times. Why not have Pooh bear wall decoration for kid’s room with some colorful balloons. Kids favorite cartoon characters are a decent choice for wall decoration. Source: Fb 


Modern Living room wall decoration

Modern living room wall deocration ideas work best with a flowy theme of painting & creativity. No need to spend bucks on purchasing expensive things for wall decoration. Use your imagination as sky is the limit of creativity. Source: 2.bp


Sky wall decoration for kids room

What a lovely & soothing place kids room will be with sky wall decoration. Just a background paint in blue & bright yellow stars & moon will complete this look. Night time inside kids room will be exciting. count the stars 1,2,3…… Source: Fb


Butterfly wall decoration

Butterfly wall decoration is adorable & cute. Kids will love this colorful addition in their room. Buttrflies stickers in vibrant colors can be used to create this look. If you have drawing skills, give it a go yourself by painting in kids room. Source: olx


Single painting living room wall decoration

If you have single tone furniture matching with wall paint you can opt for single painting wall decoartion for your living room. Vibrant & contrasting colors in the painting can then be used as accessories with furniture like cushions & rugs. Just some tweaks can do wonder for teh interiors. Source: Emmacgrene


Decorating Wall with Painting

Paintings are beautiful and they look more beautiful when used for decorating wall. There are lots of Decorating Wall with Painting ideas and all of them are unique due to color schemes and painting techniques used. The three basic types of color schemes- warm, muted and cool- can be used for different moods. Warm colors- […]


Dino wall art

This adorable dino will brighten up your boys room or playroom. He is cute, colorful and fun and hand painted. You can choose any other character your kids love. Source: etsy


Abstract geometric art

This modern abstract geometric wall art print would go great in any room. Play with colors and shapes. Source: etsy


Artsy Kitchen wall art

Create a unique style statement by transforming your cabinets into a work of art. Here, the doors were removed from a pair of spice enclosures in favor of two artful prints. With a culinary-inspired motif, the artwork blends easily into the hardworking kitchen space. Source: bhg
